17 Things That Are Too Damn Real If You Used LimeWire


    1. The feeling of excitement (and naughtiness) you had when you first downloaded and installed LimeWire on your computer.

    2. Thinking the FBI was going to knockdown your door when you downloaded your first MP3.

    3. The happiness you felt when the song you were looking for had multiple users sharing it.

    4. When the person you were downloading a song from decided to log off just as you were about to complete your download.

    5. When you'd download an album or song and end up getting music by an entirely different artist.

    6. Downloading a mislabeled song you really didn't know and misattributing it to another artist.

    7. Having a moment where you did nothing but download mashups.

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    You never burned them onto a CD, just listen to it on your computer as you watched your Windows Media Player's screen in a trance.

    8. Being able to detect a fake file based on the size and number of sharers.

    9. Or taking a chance on a download 'cause of the way it the file was named.

    10. Downloading a version of song that had been clearly ripped from the radio.

    11. Loading up your download queue, going to bed, and praying that that shit didn’t time out by the morning.

    12. Getting pissed if your computer crashed or shut down while you were trying to download songs.

    13. Having more than a few MP3s that were assigned to some really random genres.

    14. Trying to download a porn video and having it turn out to be a clip from a TV show or movie.

    15. Trying to download a brand new album and not finding it.

    16. Downloading an MP3 only to hear Bill Clinton saying, "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman."

    17. And finally, downloading so many viruses that your computer just crashed.