19 Life-Changing Hacks To Get You Through Every Stage Of Pregnancy

    You'll never look at an inner tube the same way again.

    1. When you're just starting to grow, and not quite ready to buy maternity jeans, a simple hair tie will do the trick.

    2. Upcycle some old camis for an easy and cheap DIY alternative to buying maternity jeans.

    3. Can't reach the coffee table anymore? That's no problem, your belly will do just fine as a makeshift table.

    4. Plus, the bigger you get, the more snacks you can fit on there!

    5. Need extra support? Try using an ice pack strap as a makeshift belly band!

    6. Don't wait until baby arrives to use that Boppy pillow! It makes a great laptop rest.

    7. You can use just about anything that works — even a plush toy — for a little extra support.

    8. You can also find some belly support in a back support belt from Home Depot.

    9. A giant body pillow will be your very best friend.

    10. Using kinesio athlete's tape for extra lift and support can work like a dream, without the extra bulk under your clothes.

    11. Keep a stash of the things you need to get through the 24/7 nausea of early pregnancy close to your bed.

    12. For those of you who are pregnant through those long, hot summer months, keep a bra in the freezer.

    13. Keep your feet elevated at work. You can simply flip over a small trash can and get instant relief.

    14. Inner tube? More like belly doughnut.

    15. You can even cover up that inner tube for a more comfy and cozy spot to rest, sunny side down.

    16. Many mamas swear that eating dates can be a natural way to induce and shorten labor.

    17. Red raspberry tea (hot or iced) is also said to have properties that can ease and shorten labor.

    18. Coconut oil is not only soothing and healthy for your skin, it's also safe for baby.

    19. Speaking of wiping things clean, use essential oils mixed with a bit of vinegar for safe, non-toxic DIY cleaning products.