If We Don't Teach The Next Generation Every Single One Of These "Princess Bride" Quotes We Are Failing Them

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    So, it's pretty much globally accepted that The Princess Bride is the greatest movie ever made.

    Also, the most quotable movie of our time.

    And in "you are old" news, it was made 30 years ago.

    Which means, you guys, it is up to us to make sure that this iconic film lives on.

    1. Like, if someone takes a cheap shot:

    2. When you need to stand up for yourself:

    3. Or when anyone says "that's not fair":

    4. When you meet someone you like...

    5. When you realize you're running late:

    6. Or when a friend insists on a bad decision.

    7. When you're asked a prying question:

    8. When your friends invite you out but you're already in your pajamas:

    9. When you literally can not hear "literally" misused one more time.

    10. When you don't have time for bullshit:

    11. When you're just feeling yourself:

    12. When you're determined AF:

    13. And of course, the quote for any situation: