17 Things Every Twentysomething Has Googled

    Does Taco Bell deliver?

    1. When you have the wine bottle, but no way to get to the wine.

    2. When the wine is gone.

    3. When Domino's is closed.

    4. When you've made a huge mistake.

    5. When you wake up the next morning.

    6. When HBO GO is down.

    7. When you're trying to impress that new person in your life.

    8. When that doesn't work out.

    9. When something's not right down there.

    10. When you're feeling inspired, yet lazy.

    11. When you have to pay rent and can't remember how.

    12. When you realize it's probably something important.

    13. When you're not quite sure how to bullshit your way through one.

    14. When you have some time to kill.

    15. When you're wondering how much it would hurt.

    16. When you're in the mood to creep.

    17. When you have nothing better to do.