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20 Truths About Money According To Music

Whether raking in the dough or hollering for a dollar, you bank on these tracks in full. Ball on a budget with Spotify Premium – all the world's music for a mere $9.99 a month.

Real talk. Press play!

1. It's the root of all evil today.

2. Friday payday nights are guaranteed to be party-hopping, booty-shaking getdown times.

3. It sucks when you don't have enough to do something nice for your significant other.

4. But when you need to get back in good graces, it's sometimes necessary to drop stacks.

5. It's the reason we exist. Everybody's knows it. It's a fact.

6. It rules everything around us.

7. But to some, money ain't even a thang.

8. It gets you into VIP, no matter what it might be stashed in.

9. When money does grow on trees, it's the perfect place for shade.

10. If you can't pay your bills, ladies are bound to be through with you.

11. It'll get you fancy wines, maid service, joyrides in high-end cars, and more contraband than you can stand... but that only gets you fake friends.

12. Free things belong to the birds and bees. Money is what everyone really wants.

13. Sharing a dollar with someone who needs it will always make their day.

14. But if you're greedy and grabbing for it, you're definitely gonna get shown the door.

15. When you do something out of love, you don't keep money on your mind.

16. Armed robbery probably isn't the best way to "cut loose."

17. If you keep relying on your old man's money, you'll never be strong and it won't get you far.

18. If she's working hard for it, you better treat her right.

19. A handful of things you could get if you had a million dollars: a house, a nice reliant automobile, a tricked-out tree fort, a fur coat (but not a real fur coat — that's cruel...).

20. You're always as rich as you wish to be in your wildest dreams — those are always free!

Stream these priceless songs, and sign up for your free 30-day trial of Spotify Premium now! More music than imaginable at your very fingertips, without breaking the bank.

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