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14 Ultra-Pimped-Out "Sims" Houses You Wish You Could Actually Own

It's hard out there for a Sim. Build your dream house in The Sims 4, coming out on Tuesday, 9/2 for Windows PC.

1. This house, for those of us who long for the days of the Wild West (without the saloon shootouts):

2. This house, for those of us who think themselves a pharaoh, but would rather be alive to experience it:

3. This house, for those of us who consider ourselves on the forefront of design, but can't really decide which type of design that is:

4. This house, for those of us who admire the Willy Wonka lifestyle, but with a little less candy:

5. This house, for those of us who wish to pretend that we live at an Ivy League college:

6. This house, for those of us who want to take "No Solicitors" to the next level:

7. This house, for those of us who want every day to be Monday Night Football:

8. This house, for those of us who see things from a different angle:

9. This house, for those of us who always want to see the Big Picture:

10. This house, for those of us who DESERVE to be treated like a princess:

11. And this house, for those of us who are prepared to let our friends eat cake:

12. This house, for those of us who (rightfully) fear a zombie apocalypse:

13. This house, for those of us who actually can't get enough of the rat race:

14. And this house, for those of us who are a little more realistic: