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11 Ways Elephants Are The Most Amazing Creatures On The Planet

Now these are some magical creatures. Help conserve and protect them with the TOMS Animal Initiative.

1. Elephants always put family first.

2. They're also one of the few species that can actually recognize themselves in the mirror.

3. Their memories are incredible!

4. Elephant herds have their own secret language.

5. And they have feelings and emotions too!

6. When it comes to food, elephants only eat plants.

7. They're also really strong swimmers.

8. Elephants are pregnant for a whole TWO YEARS.

9. When they die, elephants actually mourn and have funerals for each other.

10. All of this makes complete sense, since they have the largest brains in the animal kingdom!

11. Finally, elephants use their ears for air conditioning.

Elephants are sadly threatened by poachers and habitat destruction. Learn more about TOMS Animal Initiative to drive awareness and funding for wild animals.