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We Had An Astrologer Guess Our Birth Charts


For as long as I can remember, I've loved astrology. Whether you're a believer or not, I just think astrology can help people get out of their comfort zones and look at themselves and their relationships from a different perspective.

So for a lil' experiment, I got my coworkers together โ€” believers and non-believers alike โ€” and had my friend and astrologer Aliza Kelly come in and ~read~ us.

Only, there was a catch: We wouldn't show her our birth charts beforehand. So basically, she would just have to go off of her astrological intuition. ๐Ÿ’โœจ

So right now you may be wondering, the fuq is a "reading" and the FUQ is a "birth chart"?

Before the session, Aliza came up with some questions that she felt would be telling of each person's chart. She'd have a 15-minute conversation with each person and say what planetary aspects she suspected were in their chart, and then we'd compare her answers with their actual birth chart. Got all that?

1. First up was Kevin.

2. Nora

3. Matt

4. Jen

5. Andrew

6. Ryan

7. Morgan

8. Lauren

AK: Lauren has an extremely sensitive, intuitive spirit โ€” but she's also extremely grounded and rational. After having a very meaningful conversation about life, death, and everything in between, her combined earth and water energy was clear.

9. Me










If you liked this post, check out Aliza's new book, The Mixology of Astrology: Cosmic Cocktail Recipes for Every Sign!!!