How The Myth Of Lawless "No-Go Zones" In Sweden Took Hold Among Right-Wing Media

    Swedish authorities say there are no such areas in the country.

    Violent crime in the city of Malmö has breathed new life into the false claim that there are dozens of "no-go zones" in Sweden — a myth that police say has no basis in reality.

    It's not just Sweden. Stories about "no-go zones" across Europe still pop up with some regularity, despite attempts at debunking the false claim.

    The idea of dozens of "no-go zones" across Sweden started in 2014 after a law enforcement report listed 55 "vulnerable" areas in the country.

    The myth of Swedish "no-go zones" has helped cement a false impression of a country overrun by criminal refugees who are tearing apart the fabric of society.

    A Hungarian pamphlet showing migrant "no-go zones" across Europe - being distributed ahead of the country's referen…

    RT / Via

    In 2016, the Swedish Embassy in Hungary rebuked the government of right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban for perpetuating the myth as part of a referendum campaign.

    "It is important to be clear: such zones, however they are labelled or defined, do not exist in Sweden," a Swedish official told The Local.

    Sweden is, of course, far from the only country painted as home to these violent Muslim enclaves. In 2015, a Fox News guest infamously claimed that the entire English city of Birmingham had become off-limits to non-Muslims.

    “You basically have zones where Sharia courts were set up, where Muslim density is very intense, where the police don’t go in, and where it’s basically a separate country almost — a country within a country," said Steve Emerson, a self-described expert on terrorism.

    This came as a surprise to residents of Birmingham, and Emerson's comment was widely mocked in the UK. The prime minister, David Cameron, said he choked on his porridge when he heard the claim, saying that Emerson "is clearly a complete idiot."