These Drawings By Children Are Allowing Them To Express How They Feel About Trump

    Their drawings are a window to how immigrant children feel in the U.S.

    A workshop called Illustrated Stories of Immigration was set at Mighty Writers in Philadelphia for children of Mexican immigrants to come and share their family's story. The workshop was created by Nora Litz, a Mexican-American artist, to help her students talk about immigration and their feelings.

    It was mainly aimed at children with parents that came into the U.S. illegaly since after talking to them she realized how scared they were. "I felt I had to do something" said Litz to NPR.

    During the seven week long workshop children from ages 7 to 15 illustrated different aspects from an immigrant's life. The drawings included things like the wall that President Trump mentions constantly to ICE coming to take away family members.

    Some illustrations have a touch of humor.

    But most of them were just heartbreaking.

    The wall was a constant subject throughout the illustrations.

    The class will have a second session. It begins July 11 and will run every Tuesday for six weeks, in Philadelphia. Sign-ups at Mighty Writers.

    All images courtesy of Mighty Writers.