8 Amazing Cocktails For Anyone Obsessed With "Game Of Thrones"

    These little concoctions with have you throwing your cares out the Moon Door.

    Any Game of Thrones fan can tell you that every week of the show is a crazy-emotional roller coaster, full of people scheming and fighting and dying (and not-dying). Watching is even better when you do it with friends (so you can freak out together) and it's the BEST when you do it with friends and fancy themed cocktails.

    Go ahead and try some of these drink recipes next Sunday night; Tyrion would want you to.

    1. The Promised Prince

    2. Milk of the Dragon

    3. The Bloody Bastard

    4. The Debt Payer

    5. Valar MorGuinness

    6. The Rogue Dove

    7. Flame and Shadow

    8. The Lioness