The Bottle Top Challenge Is Over Because Mariah Carey Just Obliterated The Competition

    It's ~supernatural~.

    You know Mariah Carey. She's one of the greatest vocalists and songwriters of all time.

    Her superhuman whistle register has reportedly opened garage doors, enabled her to hit 55 notes in 17 seconds, and even gone higher than a piano!

    No one else can do 55 notes in 17 seconds but Mariah

    And now, it's allowed her to be the undisputed winner of the Bottle Top Challenge. For those of you who don't know, the challenge is when people kick off JUST the top of a bottle, like this. It's pretty incredible:

    The best one so far..!! #BottleCapChallenge #bottletopchallenge

    Even more incredible, though, was Mariah's take. Have a look/listen:

    Challenge accepted! #bottletopchallenge

    The power that has...

    The clearance that has...

    The international implications...

    Here it is in GIF form — you're welcome.

    Ugh, only Mariah. We stan. Eternally.